Barefoot Scientist - The Gratest - professional micro-grated XL rasp

The Gratest™ is a professional-grade rasp designed specifically for your feet.

Constructed of premium, expertly-crafted stainless steel and designed with more than 200 safety-edged micro grates, an extra-large filing surface and an ergonomic soft-touch handle, this rasp helps you efficiently and safely remove built-up layers of dry, hardened, thick or callused skin.

why is it the best?
We designed this rasp to be safe, effective and comfortable on every type of skin.

why will you love it?
Because nothing in life should be hard. Including your feet.


HOW TO USE: Gently file back and forth across dry areas to smooth away calluses and rough skin. Grater is sink-washable. For more significant exfoliation, first soften calluses by soaking in warm water for 10 minutes or use after Pure Grit™ exfoliating mineral shower scrub. Treat newly shaved skin with High Dive™ daily intensive hydration therapy to nourish and re-hydrate.

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